Paul D. Morris, M.Div., Ph.D.

Gracious and Almighty God my Father, this is my prayer, in faith believing that you hear and respond. In the Person of your Son, you have come with the gift of redemption, freedom and forgiveness. Thank you for allowing me to be washed and cleansed by His shed blood.

Even so my Lord, come again, and again and again; live with me, make your home with me. You will find in me broken vows of discipleship and service that need to be repaired. You will find ugly disappointment and cynicism where once beautiful dreams had stood. You will find hope pushed into a corner, tarnished, neglected; and the demons of fear running here and there -- all like some hideous, unwanted vermin.

Help me select my appointments, dear God; not over-stuffed chairs and entertainment centers, but appointments in creative corners, in books that will enlarge my mind, in prayer closets, and appointments with my neighbors in affirming conversation and dialogue.

While there are dark, musty rooms, and empty lonely spaces, enable me to keep bringing into my home a love that is patient and kind, not jealous or boastful, not arrogant or rude; a love that bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Help me to bring in a calm trust that you are at work in all things for good, dear God, and a humble heart that finds joy in the simple rather than the spectacular. Come in and dwell with me, in a oneness where I can share with you my anxieties, my unanswered questions, my most dreadful sins, my deepest longings.

Then lead me out, dear Father, into a dangerous world, where people are unaware of your love, wounded and wearing, lost and lonely, hungry and despondent. Go with me in love to bring healing to those who need your care. The door is open, God. How glad and grateful I am that you have come. How hopeful I become about the endless possibilities. Come in, not to visit, but to live. I bring my desire, my invitation, only in the grace and love that I have come to know through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen. -- PDM
